
The Ephemeron Loop / Holy Scum / SDEM / Cataclyst

Scorn at Golden Cabinet

SOLD OUT. This show sold out in 24 hours.

Hello, how are you? It’s been a while… 

If our last remaining collective brain cell is correct, it's actually been three and a half years since we, Golden Cabinet, put on our last show. So yeah, we’re returning from an extended power nap, refreshed and with a very simple modus operandi - to blow some minds! The global pandemic gave us an opportunity to reflect on what’s really important in life: TOTAL SONIC OBLIVION.

We are ridiculously hyped to announce that on October 1st we shall return to our spiritual home at the Kirkgate Centre, Shipley, West Yorkshire. We wanted to return with a BANG and have curated a suitably scorching line-up of singular artists. The evening will involve live performances from visionary, uncompromising and fearless sound explorers we feel are making some of the most exciting noises on the planet. And let’s face it, things on this planet haven't been too great recently. Our mission is to create a space where the audience can enter and simply make the world go away, be transported somewhere else, drink a beer or two, and have the hard drives inside their skulls de-fragmented and deprogrammed. Plus, you know, we just wanna have a good time - before we all get NUKED!!

The evening will run from 5:00pm until 11:00pm, and sonic violation, filth, terror, ecstacy, fury and trancendence will be provided by…


Ever since Mick Harris totally killed it when he played for us as Fret, we knew we had to have him back to kick off the return of Golden Cabinet – and make the windows rattle once more. 

This time he’ll be wearing his Scorn hat so expect lethal beats, the murkiest sub bass known to mankind and fathoms deep, bone chilling sound design. The man is a genuine pioneer and legend, with a mindblowing discography encompassing techno as Monrella and various other handles, drone as Lull, hip hop as HedNod and The Weakener. He also played drums in Napalm Death and Painkiller, produced a tonne of drum & bass as Quoit. The list is endless. 

He’s an absolute demon behind the mixing desk, utilising it as an instrument, dubbing it up proper heavy like Scientist or King Tubby in Godzilla mode. Bring on the rhino charge.

Holy Scum

Holy Scum’s music sounds like it crawled out of Manchester’s dankest sewers. Their ultra heavy, wall of noise seethes with scuzzy, viscous psychedelic sludge - something like a mirror reflecting the putrid dystopia it feels like we’re currently living in. The culprits responsible for frying your circuits are GNOD co-founder Chris Haslam who plays bass alongside bandmate Jon Perry on drums, and guitarist Peter J Taylor who once upon a time played in Action Beat.

Check out Holy Scum’s ‘Strange Desires’ LP on Rocket Recordings - given a right brutal production pummeling by Mike Mare (of hip-hop duo Dälek) who adds another dimension to the thrilling, grotty noise rock mayhem. We’re fully expecting their set to be total carnage.


Very little is known about this mysterious group from Rochdale. The only recordings we know of in existence are a cassette on Paddy Shine of GNOD’s Tesla Tapes imprint, and a killer track on the 'Wish You Were Avon' compilation on the esteemed Avon Terror Corps label. 

Prangers create a sort of digitally enhanced, metallic-junk-percussion-trance-hypnosis - spliced with demented found sound. Imagine if an ancient lost civilization discovered samplers in a reverse time capsule and used them to mash up their sacred ritual folk music into a new form of metallic clanging techno made by cyborg New York City street drummers. Or something.


SDEM is a sound artist outta the North of England. DJing since the 90s, he could once be found behind many a record shop counter, working as vinyl buyer in numerous Leeds stores while ingesting a steady diet of of hip hop, drum & bass and avant garde electronix. He was also part of the city’s vital v3ctor crew hosting a tonne of fresh forward looking electronic music at the legendary v3ctor nights. 

SDEMs often hip-hop-informed, futuristic electronic music has found its way onto records, tapes and CDs on Opal Tapes, Central Processing Unit, Seagrave, and the artists own MEDS label. DJs like Autechre, ZULI and Afrodeutsche have been heard spinning SDEM cuts in their sets. 

Shapeshifting through various zones, his productions have a meticulous attention to detail with unfathomably intricate, strange rhythms and liquid metal sound design. Beatless excursions create sonic microcosms not of this time or space, while elsewhere, dismantled, rugged street beats intersect with advanced computer music. 

SDEMs soundworlds feel like living organisms or entities, objects and places that exist in a world beyond our own.

The Ephemeron Loop

The Ephemeron Loop is a relentlessly creative force - perhaps best known as Urocerus Gigas of Guttersnipe. A thrilling duo known for tearing shit up and dismantling and creating a new musical language all their own. She’s also created crystalline dub techno as Paraselene, magical glacial soundscapes as Vymethoxy Redspiders and a whole bunch of cool stuff across a slew of underground records and cassettes. 

On her new tape ‘Psychonautic Escapism’, a total disregard for genre boundaries allows far ranging influences to become absorbed and melted into a magnificently original, bold, unique, and visceral sound. Delicate, ethereal dreampop vocals and beautifully haunting shoegaze elements contrast with brutal, crushing metal, guttural shrieks, relentlessly pummeling, heavy drum machine attacks and glistening dub techno patterns dissolving into infinite trails.

The Ephemeron Loop creates an intensely personal and intimate sound full of emotion, catharsis and personality. A powerful direct line of communication with listeners adventurous enough to venture into her world, beyond the darkness and into the light.

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Golden Cabinet, The Kirkgate Centre, 39a Kirkgate, Shipley, West Yorkshire, BD18 3EH